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Haisla Nation Condolences to the family of hím̓as c̓esí, Sammy Robinson

Sharing employment opportunities to connect you with great job leads! View the document here: Employment Opportunities

The Employment & Training department released a notice regarding a program update that will go into effect on April 1, 2025. To read the full notice, click here: Change to Employment & Training Funding for Transformations Program

Sharing employment opportunities to connect you with great job leads! View the document here: Employment Opportunities

For Immediate Release

FROM:       Haisla Nation Elected Chief and Council

DATE:         January 23, 2025

SUBJECT:    Haisla’s stance on oil pipelines

The following is in response to recent media reports related to Grand Chief Stewart Phillip’s statements related to the Northern Gateway Project and oil pipelines in our territory.

Our position as a community related to a bitumen pipeline through our traditional territory has not changed since previous Haisla leadership and councils opposed the Northern Gateway project over a decade ago.

We as a Nation are focused on advancing economic development opportunities in our traditional territory that meet our cultural, social, spiritual and environmental goals and values.

While we understand the current economic uncertainty posed by the threat of U.S. tariffs, we firmly believe that we can support economic diversification in our territory for the benefit of our members, as well as the country as a whole, without sacrificing our values.

As we advance new projects and developments in our territory, our members will determine what is best for our Nation.

Our priority will always be developments that are majority-owned by our Nation, and partnerships with entities that respect our values.

Sharing employment opportunities to connect you with great job leads! View the document here: Employment Opportunities

Sharing employment opportunities to connect you with great job leads! View the document here: Employment Opportunities

©2024 Haisla Nation 
Website Proudly Developed on the unceded traditional lands of the Haisla Nation by Spruce Tree Media Ltd.
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