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What is Monkeypox (Mpox)?

Date Posted: August 28, 2024

From the Haisla Health Department:

As per First Nations Health Authority, although the risk of Monkeypox (MPOX) to Canadians is currently considered low, Canada is actively monitoring the situation and working with local and global partners to find ways to offer support.

First Nations Health Authority and their partners have put together a three-part graphic series that covers:

1) What is Monkeypox (Mpox)?

2) How does Monkeypox (Mpox) spread?

3) What to do if you test positive for Monkeypox (Mpox)?

You can read the three-part series here: What is Monkeypox?

For more information on Monkeypox (Mpox), visit

Questions? Call HealthLink BC at 8-1-1

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Website Proudly Developed on the unceded traditional lands of the Haisla Nation by Spruce Tree Media Ltd.
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