Membership Portal

Trust Framework Update

Date Posted: September 28, 2023

In September 2021 BDO was engaged by the Haisla Nation to review the Haisla’s People Trust Framework and to continue the work that Deloitte (2020) had begun in creating a trust governance framework for Haisla’s Own Source Revenue.  In order to complete this scope of work, community consultation and professional resources, such as legal and financial expertise, were identified as pivotal to the projects’ success.  A key deliverable of this project was ensuring that all Haisla Members understood the process involved in creating a trust agreement.  As the Trust working group nears completion of the trust agreement, we will be engaging in another community information/consultation process.  In advance of the schedule community consultation sessions, we wanted to share a membership information package (below) that highlights key topics that will be covered during these sessions.

To view please click here |Membership Information Package|

To view the upcoming dates please click here |Membership Engagement Sessions|

©2024 Haisla Nation 
Website Proudly Developed on the unceded traditional lands of the Haisla Nation by Spruce Tree Media Ltd.
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