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Haisla Nation launches Economic Development Corporation

Date Posted: January 1, 1970

With the Haisla Nation’s economic development interests growing tremendously in the past several years, the launch of a new Economic Development Corporation (EDC) has been approved by Council.

The new EDC will play a major role in the economic self-sufficiency of our Nation. Through its success, the Nation will be empowered with the monetary resources required to attain its cultural, social, spiritual and environmental goals.

HNC has learned a tremendous amount from the previous EDC’s and has drawn inspiration from successful Indigenous corporations, learnings which have been considered by independent experts who we’ve engaged to ensure the most effective model for the benefit of all Haisla members.

As we implement the new EDC as per Council’s approval, we are committed to ensuring members receive updates and have an opportunity to ask questions.

There will also be an opportunity for members to help name the EDC, and apply to be on the EDC’s Board of Directors.

Read more here.

Questions and feedback can be directed to Lisa Grant by email at

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Website Proudly Developed on the unceded traditional lands of the Haisla Nation by Spruce Tree Media Ltd.
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