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Haisla Community School - Survey

Date Posted: January 17, 2024

Haisla Community School is looking for parent/guardian input about our school.

Parents/Guardian's can access the survey with the following link: FNESC Parent/Guardian Survey about Haisla Community School.

If a paper copy is preferred the school can be contacted for a copy.

Responses are anonymous.

For those interested in having their name entered to win a prize they can call the school (250-632-5011) to let us know they have completed the survey.

The input provided will be used to inform our future growth plans.

Questions regarding the survey can be directed to Rob Parker, Haisla Community School Principal:

Phone: 250-632-5011


©2024 Haisla Nation 
Website Proudly Developed on the unceded traditional lands of the Haisla Nation by Spruce Tree Media Ltd.
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