
Haisla Nation Council promotes the health & wellness of the Haisla community. The Haisla Health Centre staffs the following positions: Director of Health & Wellness, Health Manager, Community Health Nurse & Community Health Rep, Home and Community Health Nurse, Patient Care Aides, Patient Travel Clerk, Elder Care Coordinator and Elders’ Liaison/Advocate, a Wellness Team (includes Community Support Worker, Alcohol & Addictions Awareness Wellness Worker, Vancouver Outreach Worker/Program and the Land Based Healing Program), Social Development Department (including Homemakers and Jordan’s Principle Support Worker), and the Food Share Program. Staff ensure programs and services are available to ensure the continued health and wellness of all registered Haisla members.

Along with providing the tools for a healthy nation, the following is offered through the Haisla Health Centre: information on accessing FNHA Health benefits, immunization care, diabetes education, pre and post natal care, providing help for those needing financial assistance (e.g. denied medical benefits), Social Assistance, Emergency Assistance, Homecare and/or Homemaker Services for band members needing care in their home; support for those that need assistance for Alcohol and Addictions Awareness; travel assistance to and from MEDICAL appointments, and supplying elder care.

©2023 Haisla Nation Council.
Website Proudly Developed on the unceded traditional lands of the Haisla Nation by Spruce Tree Media Ltd.
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