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As stewards of our lands and resources, the Haisla people have preserved our ancestral territory for generations. The Environment department plays a key role in upholding Haisla Nation values centered on Environmental Stewardship by governing in a manner that respects Haisla lands, natural resources, and upholds environmental stewardship principles. The primary objective is to promote self-determination through safeguarding and stewardship of Haisla Traditional Territory.

Within the Environment department, there is a diverse team of employees with a wide range of skills, education, experience, and capabilities, offering various support services. We engage with external stakeholders like government bodies, consultants, and industries to maintain a presence in our territory to ensure cultural resources are not impacted.

Additionally, the Environment department has taken on the responsibility of managing the newly introduced Curbside Recycling Program. This initiative aims to reduce our environmental impact by decreasing the load on the local landfill. To learn more about this program click on the following link: WayLessWaste.

This collaboration between the Haisla Nation and the District of Kitimat strives to implement sustainable waste management practices.

©2024 Haisla Nation 
Website Proudly Developed on the unceded traditional lands of the Haisla Nation by Spruce Tree Media Ltd.
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