Membership Portal

Attention: Haisla Membership!

Date Posted: June 10, 2024

Haisla Nation has established a Membership Committee.

The Committee will be holding a first round of Membership engagement sessions and the topic will be our Haisla Membership Code.

Since the 1987 Membership Law came into force, the Haisla Nation has continued to grow and evolve, and issues related to membership have come up that are not addressed by the 1987 Membership Law. In addition, the 1987 Membership Law is based on the Indigenous Services Canada template, which is insufficient in capturing the Haisla Nation’s approach to determining and administering membership.

We are seeking Haisla members’ feedback and input that will guide this decision-making process.

We encourage our membership to attend one of the meetings noted on the poster.

Additional details to follow regarding confirmed venues which will be added to the JUNE calendar.

©2024 Haisla Nation 
Website Proudly Developed on the unceded traditional lands of the Haisla Nation by Spruce Tree Media Ltd.
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