Indigenous Business FUNdamentals

Date Posted: October 26, 2023

Haisla Membership:

Are you thinking of starting a business? Maybe you are at the development stage, or are looking to shape your business plans/skills. Spiritlink's Indigenous Business FUNdamentals program will be offered to Haisla members in the near future and will be led by Kristin Kozuback.

The Business FUNdamentals topics are grouped into five main themes:

  1. Introduction to Entrepreneurship
  2. Marketing Magic
  3. Systems for Success / Business Operations
  4. Developing Financial Fitness and Realistic Budgets
  5. Pitches, Plans & Proposals

All courses are free, offered on-line, with 12 spots open for Haisla members.

To better understand what dates would work best for the majority of interested individuals there is a survey for you to complete.

To view additional information about this program and to complete the survey please use the QR code provided in the image attached to this post or click on the following link |Indigenous Business FUNdamentals Program|.

Have questions or comments? Please reach out to Kim Robinson at or contact Kristin directly at

©2023 Haisla Nation Council.
Website Proudly Developed on the unceded traditional lands of the Haisla Nation by Spruce Tree Media Ltd.
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